Categories Hard Disk Repair Tags noisy disc drive, noisy hard drive, seatools for dos If the sound remains, then the drive is not the cause of the sound. If the sound goes away, then the sound was produced by the drive. The Seagate SeaTools for DOS diagnostic has an acoustical spin down test. To isolate whether the noise is coming from the drive or one of the fans, you can issue a “ spin down” command through software. Noise from the cooling fans in the power supply are often mistaken as hard drive noise. However, if the sound coming from the area around your drive has recently changed or is an excessive grinding or clanking noise, this may indicate a physical problem with the drive. It is also normal for the drive to make sort of a “ chattering” or “ clicking” sound while it is reading and writing data. Normally, the faster the drive motor spins, the higher pitched the resulting sound will be. While modern drives are extremely quiet, every disc drive makes a certain amount of noise while running. All of our new Parallel ATA ( PATA) hard drives and new Serial ATA ( SATA) hard drives are optimized for performance, we do not have a utility that can quiet them down.